Designing Your Race Day Nutrition Plan
Race Day Nutrition is often overlooked leading to running on empty, an under-par performance, experiencing fatigue during the race and sometimes unpleasant symptoms.
All of which can be distracting to say the least. On the plus side – get it right and we’ll perform, recover, and feel better and potentially have the edge – it’s a WIN-WIN and our mantra is “don’t let nutrition be the limiting factor in your running performance”.
Today we are going to talk about:
1. Your Race Day Nutrition Timeline
2. Our Real Food suggestions for what and when to eat
3. Finally … our personal Race Day Nutrition non-negotiables
Download our FREE E book TOP Running Snacks and Nutrient Timing to Fuel Peak Performance
What NOT to do! Aileen and Karen share their experiences. One of the cardinal rules is that on race day you NEVER EAT OR DRINK anything you haven’t practiced in training.
Our approach to designing your race day timeline to include nutrition and key timings.
Email us at if you’d like our template.
What and when to eat for your pre-race meal. Suggestions for eating at home and for some ideas if you are eating whilst travelling.
Should I drink coffee pre-race?
Quick tips on pre-race hydration and electrolytes.
There are many different brands of electrolytes out there but one we like and recommend are Elete Electrolyte because they are easy to use, easy to carry and mostly tasteless…just a hint of sodium in your water.
We both use ELETE and we’ve set up a special offer for you to try them out – you’ll get all the details on our website – go to SHOP and look at our FAVOURITE Supplements page – you’ll find ELETE Drops with discount CODE RHH15 which will give you 15% discount, please feel free to share with your running friends.
Pre- Race Real Food snacks containing quick release carbohydrates.
During race fuelling – what and when?
Simple real food suggestions and hydration reminders
Post-Race Recovery Nutrition
Should I treat myself with food and alcohol after a race?
An introduction to our 1:1 Personalised Nutrition Services and an invitiation to book a free WORK WITH US CALL
Some of our nutritional non-negotiables when it comes to preparing for and executing a nutritional race-day plan
1. Create your race timeline and add key times you’ll be eating and drining
2. Calculate when you should eat working backwards from your race start time
3. Eat Carbohydrate rich pre-race meal approx. 2-3 hours before race
4. Hydrate optimally before the race
5. Eat a quick release CHO snack 30-60 minutes before the race
6. Fuel with 30-60g quick release CHO foods per hour during race and keep hydrated
7. Remember to eat a Quick Release CHO food within 30 minutes of end of race.
8. Plan a post run snack or meal approx. 2 hours after race with CHO:PRO with a ration of 4:1
Related Topics:
Race Day Success Nutritional Strategies
Your Marathon - Run, Refuel, Recover
Great North Run Get Race Ready
London Marathon being Prepared for Race Day
The suggestions we make during this episode are for guidance and advice only, and are not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. If you have any concerns regarding your health, please contact your healthcare professional for advice as soon as possible.
If this is your first time your show and you’d like to know more about us please check out our TRAILER.
Also, when you're ready, here are FIVE ways that we can help you:
1)Check out our free downloadable resources
2) Join Easy Nutrition For Healthy Runners HUB. Please join our FREE private facebook group for education, tips, inspiration with like- minded female runners.
3) Get our Easy Nutrition For Healthy Runners Online Programme. As a THANK YOU, please use COUPON CODE POD to get 33% discount off the full price which brings the price to £199.
4)Find out if you are the right fit for our Healthy Woman Healthy Runner Programme. Please book a free Discovery Call.
5) If you love our FREE stuff but need more help and would like to find out which of our services would be best for you. We’d love to have a short informal (no obligation) chat to see how we can help you. Book a free call here.
We love to hear from our listeners - what are your nutrition and running goals, challenges and successes, please drop us a line at
Best Wishes and Happy Running!
Karen and Aileen
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